1 to 2 Italian course for couples
1 to 2 Italian Course for Couples – price
from €25pp
Course Location
Course Duration
Course start periods
Total hours
Course schedule
Who is the class suitable for?
1 to 2 Italian Course for Couples
1 to 2 Italian Course for Couples is an online Italian language course that offers a highly customizable approach.
In fact, Centro Studi Italiani offers the possibility to customize the duration of the course, the weekly schedule and the content, adapting to the needs of both participants.
This flexibility makes it possible to create a tailor-made learning path, respecting the pace and goals of each member of the couple. Our dedicated, intuitive e-learning platform provides the tools you need to participate actively in live classes with your teacher.
This course not only allows you to learn Italian interactively, but also to share your learning experience with a partner, making it even more challenging and fun.
You should participate in the course if:

How is the 1 to 2 Italian course for couples organized?
Studying together with a partner offers the opportunity to practice the language in a relaxed, familiar setting, improving communication and consolidating language skills through mutual interaction.
The Online 1 to 2 Italian Course for Couples not only provides greater flexibility in organizing lessons, but also means you can share the cost, making learning Italian even more affordable.
In conclusion, this course represents a unique opportunity to learn Italian in an affordable, personalized way while sharing the learning experience with a partner. Take advantage of this engaging, flexible solution to achieve your language goals together with those who share your same passion for Italian.
Improve your Italian quickly
Find out more about the 1 to 2 Italian Course for Couples: here are all the details about the online Italian language course, e-learning platform, cost and more!
The 1 to 2 Italian Language Online Course for Couples is designed to offer a fully personalized learning experience. Packages of 10 and 20 sessions are available at special rates.
The 60-minute lessons focus on the couple’s specific goals and are scheduled considering the students’ time zone.
Each session is carefully guided and live streamed to ensure total engagement. If you are interested in this course but do not have a study partner, please contact the office: we will be happy to pair you with another student with the same language proficiency level as you.
Who is the course aimed at?
The course is intended for students of any level of language proficiency.
E-Learning platform
Through our innovative interactive e-learning platform, you will have the opportunity to develop comprehensive Italian skills, spanning the areas of comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and practical application of what you learn.
Our wealth of teaching materials, which includes an editable online textbook, is wholly designed and developed by the experienced teaching team at Centro Studi Italiani.
This valuable content is easily accessible at the click of a button, ensuring a comprehensive, top-quality learning experience.
Registration and price
The cost of a single 60-minute session for the course is €25 per person. We also offer special packages for those who want more classes:
The total price of the course includes several benefits:
Full payment is required to complete enrolment. If you want to register together with a partner, please fill in the “Comments” field with your partner’s name. If you are an absolute beginner, please specify this while filling out the registration form.
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“L’italiano non è solo una lingua. È cultura, amore, famiglia, e devi essere proprio lì per capirlo”

“L’italiano non è solo una lingua. È cultura, amore, famiglia, e devi essere proprio lì per capirlo”

“Centro Studi Italiani tiene un posto speciale nel mio cuore”

“Era una memoria importante nella mia vita quando studiavo l’italiano al Centro Studi Italiani”
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